Category: Politics
Abolish The Electoral College
I have a lot of things I want to write about in the wake of Trump’s election, but I’m going to start with the fact that we need to abolish the Electoral College. The Electoral College is an elitist institution, created on the theory that individual citizens could not be trusted with voting for the president…
I’m Done With Not Talking About Politics
Somewhere along the line I incorporated a sense of “You shouldn’t talk about religion or politics.” I think the logic is that you might upset someone or make a fuss. I’m done with that. Obviously whatever I’ve been doing is not enough. What we’ve all been doing is not enough. This is a critical period…
Food Shopping and Prop 37
This is an excellent guide to food manufacturers that supported or opposed Prop 37, and quite an eye-opener as to what “natural” brands really are natural, and which, well, aren’t. It’s posted on my fridge and I’ll be using it in choosing what I buy at the grocery store. Thanks to the Cornucopia Institute for…
How I Voted
I’m going through my Alameda County vote-by-mail ballot and decided to share what I’m thinking and links to useful resources. If you haven’t already also consider registering to vote by mail — link to form for Alameda County residents (pdf). Easier to think about it that way; you can still drop it off at your local polling…
Friedman on Race To The Top Programs
Nice piece by Friedman on Obama’s “race to the top” fuel efficiency and school reforms. “So Romney wants to throw away our cheapest, cleanest oil — the stuff we make in Detroit through greater mileage efficiency — and replace it with the world’s most expensive and dirty oil from the Canadian tar sands . .…
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