I’ve always enjoyed the Bay Trail, on several occasions riding SF to Berkeley or the reverse. This weekend I rode from approximately Fruitvale BART to Hayward BART, going through MLK regional shoreline, Oyster Bay Regional Shoreline, and Hayward Regional Shoreline, and I brought my camera. When I’d ridden the trail before I’d often stopped to read the informational signs about birds, and I was surprised that I was able to photograph pretty much all the common birds I’d read about, plus several more. And a bat ray.
Light-morph juvenile Red tailed hawk above Oyster Bay Regional Shoreline.
Snowy Egret, Oyster Bay RS.
Bat ray! I was surprised to see this guy in a corner of San Leandro Bay, on Doolittle drive across from the Oakland Airport.
American Avocets. I think these were in Hayward, but there were also some on the north side of Oyster Bay RS.
California Least Tern.
California Towhee (?) at MLK RS.
Long-billed Curlew in Hayward RS.
Northern Shovelers in Hayward RS.
Ruddy Duck in Hayward RS.
Western Sandpipers, I think juveniles, in Hayward RS.
Sandpiper flock in flight, Hayward RS.
Killdeer in Hayward RS.
Northern Shoveler, Hayward RS.
Definitely a tern, and I’m thinkin a Forster’s Tern based on the long tail feathers.
Willets in flight. They are very gray on the outside, but have sporty black and white inner wing pattern.
Willets also have a distinctive head-bobbing motion when feeding, like they are trying to get a better parallax perspective on what’s underwater.
Willet leaving a trail wading in Hayward RS.
Northern Shoveler and an American Avocet together.
Black necked stilt, Hayward RS.
Black-legged stilt in flight, Hayward RS.
American Coot, Hayward RS.
Short-billed Dowitcher flock, with some other birds mixed in, Hayward Regional Shoreline.
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